Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Funny thing, since I have decided I am going to direct this play I have been feeling a lot happier in general.

Something ticked me off though, and I can't quite figure out a way to articulate my anger to the person who provoked it. I want him to act in my play, but he did two things. One he asked in a way that was more akin to demanding that another person not be involved in the show. Second he insisted that I make sure that the rehersals are just that and not gab sessions.

I think I need to say to him that as the director I need him to trust me or this just won't work because I can't having him tell me how to do my job, or second guessing me.

Both of his concerns from his perspective were legit, I just wish he could have spoken to me in another manner. And to be honest I am now begining to regret having asked him to be a part of the project.

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