Monday, July 24, 2006


So he hasn't worked for like a week and a half. I mean he is back at work now but there was awhile there were he wasn't doing much of anything. So he fully expects for me to chip in to pay his car insurance. And I am totally balking at the idea.

He more or less supported me for a year, and now I want nothing to do with paying for him at all. Thats me ladies...selfish bitch.

I mean if he had gone out and even found temporary work I would be able to pay for driving lessons. But because he didn't work we spent a bunch of Mom's money that we have yet to work back. Yes, he did do some painting, but not enough.

I want to end it tonight, I really do. Fucking aida, why couldn't he dump me, I'd be devastated to be dumped but I think its easier than this.

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